A Way For Learning

Graph Searching

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I. Graph Searching Terminology

    A. Tree (or visited) Vertices: Vertices that have already been visited

    B. Fringe Vertices: Vertices adjacent to tree vertices but not yet visited

    C. Unseen Verticies: Vertices that haven't been encountered at all yet

II. Depth-first search: A search of a graph in which fringe vertices are
 visited in LIFO order (last-in, first-out):

    A. Depth-first search requires O(V + E) time if implemented with 
 adjacency lists

    B. Pseudo-Code

        const int UNSEEN = 0;
        const int VISITED = 1;

       void dfs( Vertex *v ) {
           for (v->firstEdge(); !v->endOfEdges(); v->nextEdge()) {
        Vertex *w = v->getEdge()->getVertex2();
         if ( w.getVisited() == UNSEEN ) 
     dfs( w )

    C. Notes
        1. I've placed the dfs function outside the vertex class because
    it's not really possible to come up with a generic depth-first
    search method that can be used in all situations. In my experience
    you usually have to tweak the code everytime you use it, which
    means that it's not suitable for being placed inside the vertex

    D. Time Complexity

        1. Depth-first search requires O(V + E) time if implemented with 
    adjacency lists

 2. Depth-first search requires O(V2) time if implemented
    with an adjacency matrix

III. Breadth-first search: A search of a graph in which fringe vertices are
 visited in FIFO order (first-in, first-out):

    A. Strategy: Remove vertices from the front of a queue and add their
        adjacent vertices to the back of the queue. This strategy ensures
 that while level l vertices are being processed, level l+1 vertices
 are being added to the back of the queue. The level l+1 vertices
 will not be visited until all level l vertices have been exhausted.

    B. Pseudo-Code

        const int UNSEEN = 0;
        const int FRINGE = 1;
        const int VISITED = 2;

        bfs(Vertex *v) {
     dList<Vertex *v> unvisited;
     Vertex *current_vtx;

     while (!unvisited.empty()) {
        current_vtx = unvisited.get();

        for (current_vtx->firstEdge(); !current_vtx->endOfEdges();
             current_vtx->nextEdge()) {
     Vertex *w = current_vtx->getEdge()->getVertex2();
            if ( w.getVisited() == UNSEEN ) {

    C. Time Complexity

        1. Breadth-first search requires O(V + E) time if implemented with 
    adjacency lists

 2. Breadth-first search requires O(V2) time if implemented
    with an adjacency matrix

IV. Priority-first search: A search of a graph in which fringe vertices
      are assigned a priority and then visited in order of highest
      priority (e.g., priority might be the number of miles from a
      starting vertex).

    A. Strategy: 

        1. When vertices are added to the fringe, add them to
           a priority queue. 

        2. Use deletemin/deletemax to remove vertices from the queue.

 3. If a vertex's priority gets updated before it is removed from
    the fringe then move it to a new position in the queue

    B. Pseudo-Code

     1. Before starting the search, assign a sentinel value as
    the priority of each vertex

     2. Let VtxQueue be a priority queue

         pfs(Vertex *v) {
     while (!VtxQueue.empty()) {
        current_vtx = VtxQueue.deletemin() {
        for (current_vtx->firstEdge(); !current_vtx->endOfEdges();
             current_vtx->nextEdge()) {
     Vertex *w = current_vtx->getEdge()->getVertex2();
            if ( w->getVisited() != VISITED )
         if (VtxQueue.update(w, priority(current_vtx, w))
             w->setValue(priority(current_vtx, w))

    3. Interpretation of depth-first and breadth-first search

        a. depth-first search: most recently visited vertex has the
     highest priority

     i. implemented by keeping a counter that tracks the number
        of vertices seen thus far. Increment the counter each
        time a vertex is seen.

     ii. each time a previously unseen vertex is encountered,
         assign the current counter value to it, increment the
  counter, and add the vertex to the priority queue

     iii. use a max priority queue and always remove the vertex
         with the highest counter value

 b. breadth-first search: assign counter values to vertices as in
     depth-first search.

     i. use a min priority queue and always remove the vertex with
         the lowest conter value
    C. Time Complexity

        1. Every vertex must be inserted into and deleted from the priority
    queue. Each insertion and deletion takes O(log V) time, where V
    is the number of vertices. Therefore the total number of insertions
    and deletions is O(V log V). 

 2. Every edge may update a vertice's priority and this update may
    require O(log V) time. Hence the total number of updates may require
    O(E log V) time.

 3. The total running time is therfore O((E + V)log V). We have
    to include both V and E because we do not know which one will
    be greater. In general every vertex will have an edge, so normally
    E > V. However, in very sparse graphs where some vertices have
    no edges, E < V. Hence we have to include both the E and V terms
    in the final Big-O total.

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