A Way For Learning

Big Data and Data Science

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With changing time humans have explored many new things for their living. They have come up with new technologies to make a smart living. Gone are the days where people rely on traditional ways of buying things, communicating, storing data etc. We find a literate person can afford may smart ways to full-fill his daily needs.

From the time of internet, the amount of data getting stored on the databases have increased enormously. People all over the world are contributing to this data in way or other. Not only just internet even MNC's, Banks, Schools, Colleges, Government Offices etc initially used to maintain data in files, then they have changed it to online. Thus based on the requirement different sectors have a large collection of complex data sets. This data which is enormous is know as BIG DATA.  To maintain this data in traditional format ie RDBMS(Relational Database Management Systems) would be ineffective because the number of tables or Columns will be increased and one needs to use complex queries to get the required information and cannot guarantee the speed with which the information can be retrieved.

When the attributes to a particular thing where limited, it was easy to segregate the data into different sections and analyse it in different ways like pie-charts, graphs etc. But as the data has evolved large and the consistency in maintaining it has changed, there is no guarantee to get relevant required information simply in few steps as earlier. So the way of processing the data into different sections and analysing them to improve the knowledge is known as DATA SCIENCE.  Analysing the data obtained in any appropriately plays a crucial role in making improvements and growing the business. A minute false analyse or prediction from the data might result in a huge loss for one's business.

Though both big data and data science looks similar but they are completely two different things but are interdepended on each other based on the requirements. One can compare these two as the relation that exists between a crude oil an an oil refinery.

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